joi, 22 aprilie 2010

Royksopp - What else is there (bum-bum)

Azi am observat ca s-a depus putin praf pe woofer-ele sistemului audio. Se cere ritm si bass, nu neaparat muzica. Si totusi, un compromis exista :

(inutil sa mai precizez ca originalul este una dintre piesele mele fav, dar ma stiti cu nordicii si mai ales knife; cine nu stie originalul

Ah, mi-am amintit si de una romaneasca buna pentru indepartarea prafului:

1 comentarii:

Cata O spunea...

bringing the sound to life for all you pipl here in romania, and all around the world, we're gonna rock the house.. sooo.. all our friends can hear us..please give a hand to dj busu and his amazing records, and prepare to have some fun tonight.. cause don't forget when busu is in da house, shit is happeninggg.. da shit, man
pop-up your ears and listen to the music... all you pipl here in romania, let the world here you screeeam, just let yourself go and feel the nordic rythm... let me here you say baang bang... gang bang.. let me here you say yeeeah..
let me here you say uuuuuuhhhhh.... cmon and let me see you mooove..

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